LLM Application Testing: 3 Key Dimensions for Trustworthy AI - Robustness, Reliability, and Compliance

Learn how to ensure robustness, reliability, and compliance in LLM application testing with these essential strategies and best practices.


Large Language Models (LLMs) are set to revolutionize modern enterprise business processes by providing advanced capabilities in natural language understanding and generation. These AI-powered models perform tasks ranging from customer service automation to sophisticated data analysis, streamlining operations, enhancing user experiences, and unlocking new opportunities for innovation. As these models become integral to business processes, ensuring their effective and reliable functioning is crucial. When processing insurance claims takes 2 seconds, companies need to make sure the business processes required are free of error [1].

Despite their powerful capabilities, testing LLM applications presents unique challenges. Unlike traditional software, LLM applications operate based on probabilistic outputs and vast training data, making their behavior less predictable and harder to evaluate. Enterprises must handle diverse and unpredictable inputs, mitigate biases, ensure consistent performance, and adhere to regulatory requirements. These challenges necessitate a continuous and automated testing framework to assess and guarantee the trustworthiness and safety of LLM applications.

Effective LLM application testing focuses on three dimensions: (1) robustness, (2) reliability, and (3) compliance [2]. Robustness ensures the application handles a wide range of (undesired and adverse) inputs and maintains performance under stress. Reliability focuses on consistent and dependable behavior for a given use case. Compliance ensures adherence to legal, ethical, and industry standards. By concentrating on these dimensions, enterprises can build powerful, safe, dependable, and regulation-compliant LLM applications.

Fig.1 The AI trustworthiness “onion”: an LLM needs to perform reliably, while being robust to input changes, and adversarial attacks, without disregard for compliance requirements. [1]

Understanding Robustness in LLM Applications

Robustness refers to an LLM's ability to maintain performance across a wide range of input scenarios, including unexpected, rare, or adversarial inputs. A robust LLM application handles variations in language, context, and usage without significant output degradation, ensuring trustworthiness where inputs can be unpredictable and diverse.

Handling diverse inputs and edge cases is crucial for robustness. Users may provide inputs significantly different from the training data, including slang, typos, uncommon phrases, specific queries, or jail breaks. Edge cases—rare but possible scenarios—can also challenge the application's capabilities. If an LLM application cannot manage these situations gracefully, it risks providing incorrect, nonsensical, or harmful outputs. Ensuring robustness involves preparing the application to respond appropriately to diverse and edge-case inputs, maintaining high performance and quality.

Two  real-world example of adversarial inputs leading to undesirable outcomes are:

  • "A Chevy for $1? Car dealer chatbots show perils of AI for customer service" (Venture Beat, December 19, 2023)
  • "DPD AI chatbot swears, calls itself ‘useless’ and criticises delivery firm" (Guardian, January 20, 2024)

Techniques for Testing Robustness

Adversarial inputs test an LLM's robustness by introducing specifically crafted prompts designed to confuse or mislead the application. These might include prompt injections, contradictory information, misleading context, or incorrect grammar and spelling. Exposing the application to these scenarios helps evaluate accuracy and coherence in responses, identifying weaknesses and areas for improvement. This ensures the model handles malicious or error-prone inputs effectively, ensuring robustness in real-world scenarios. The Rhesis AI test benches help make this process easy and manageable.

Robustness can also be assessed through user feedback and iterative testing. Deploying the LLM application in real-world settings and collecting user feedback highlights instances where the application failed to deliver accurate responses. This feedback loop allows continuous refinement and enhancement based on actual user experiences. Iterative testing ensures robustness is an ongoing process, with continuous testing under varied conditions to maintain reliability over time.

Understanding Reliability in LLM Applications

Reliability refers to the consistency and dependability of LLM applications' outputs over time. Ensuring that an LLM application provides stable and accurate responses consistently is essential for building user trust and maintaining application performance. Reliability is critical for LLM applications to ensure functioning business processes and avoid faulty outcomes.

Achieving reliability involves not only ensuring an LLM performs well initially but also that it continues to perform reliably after updates, retraining, or changes in the environment. This requires a thorough understanding of potential factors that could impact the application's consistency and implementing strategies to mitigate these risks (such as system prompts or retrieval-augmented generation parameters).

A real-world example of insufficient reliability is Air Canada’s AI chatbot providing wrong advice to customers. The airline was held liable for its chatbot giving passengers bad advice and had to compensate the passenger accordingly. This incident highlights the critical importance of ensuring that LLM applications consistently deliver accurate and dependable responses, as failures can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions:

  • "Air Canada found liable for chatbot's bad advice on plane tickets" (CBC, February 15, 2024)

Techniques for Testing Reliability

Reliability testing ensures LLM applications maintain consistent and correct performance over time. Regression testing is crucial, ensuring updates or changes do not introduce new errors or degrade existing functionalities. When the application is updated—through model retraining, new data, or architectural modifications—regression testing involves re-running previous tests to verify performance consistency and correctness. This identifies unintended consequences, allowing developers to address issues before they impact users. Systematically checking for regressions maintains consistent, correct, and reliable LLM application performance.

Continuous testing and logging in pre-production environments is particularly important for reliability. Monitoring testing metrics ahead of deployment, such as specific key performance indicators, helps capture detailed information, including inputs, outputs, and anomalies. This data provides insights into the application’s behavior, enabling early issue detection and prompt corrective actions. Continuous testing ensures LLM applications remain reliable and responsive to evolving conditions and user needs.

To address correctness, techniques such as vector similarity to a reference answer can be employed. By comparing the outputs of the LLM with a set of reference answers, developers can measure how closely the results match expected outcomes, ensuring the application's responses are both consistent and correct.

Automated testing tools and frameworks aid reliability testing by streamlining and standardizing the process. Tools like Rhesis AI, along with CI/CD pipelines, automate test execution, ensuring thorough vetting of each new model iteration. Automated testing ensures reliable and correct operation across different scenarios without potential for human error in the testing process. Automation also enhances efficiency, leading to more reliable and accurate LLM applications.

Understanding Compliance in LLM Applications

Compliance in LLM applications refers to adherence to legal, ethical, and industry standards. For enterprises, compliance mitigates risks, protects user data, and ensures alignment with regulatory requirements. Non-compliance can result in penalties, legal actions, and reputational damage. Ensuring compliance safeguards the enterprise and fosters trust among users and stakeholders.

Key compliance areas include data privacy, ethical considerations, and legal standards. Data privacy involves protecting user information and ensuring data handling complies with regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Ethical considerations prevent biases, ensure fairness, and maintain transparency in model operations and decisions. Legal standards encompass requirements specific to AI usage (e.g., EU AI Act) or industry-specific regulations, including intellectual property rights, consumer protection laws, and sector-specific regulations. Comprehensive compliance is essential for maintaining trust and regulatory alignment.

Techniques for Testing Compliance

Testing strategies for compliance involve particularly automated processes. Privacy impact assessments identify data privacy risks, while tools like Rhesis AI provide the right set of test cases. Ethical testing evaluates the LLM application for biases, ensuring equitable outcomes across demographics. Compliance testing includes regular audits and reviews to verify adherence to legal standards. Implementing these strategies allows enterprises to proactively address compliance issues, ensuring LLM applications operate within legal and ethical frameworks.

Ethical guidelines and bias testing ensure LLM applications operate fairly and transparently. The Rhesis AI test benches particularly address bias, fairness, accountability, and transparency. Bias testing assesses the application for biases in training data or output, ensuring no disproportionate impact on demographic groups. Techniques like fairness metrics, bias detection tools, and diverse training datasets identify and mitigate biases. Adhering to ethical guidelines and rigorously testing for bias builds more equitable and trustworthy LLM applications.

Adhering to industry-specific legal standards and conducting regular audits maintain LLM compliance. Each industry has regulations governing technology use, like HIPAA for healthcare and FINRA for finance. Compliance testing verifies LLM applications meet specific requirements, including data security and reporting standards. Rhesis AI provides and documents regularly performed audits to adhere to legal standards, as well as automatically updating its test cases to align with evolving regulations. This ensures LLM applications remain legally compliant over time.

Integrating Robustness, Reliability, and Compliance Testing

Integrating robustness, reliability, and compliance testing into the LLM development lifecycle is essential for building high-quality, trustworthy applications. Testing should be a continuous process from initial development stages through deployment and maintenance. Early and frequent testing identifies and addresses issues promptly, reducing production risks. A holistic approach involves collaboration between developers, data scientists, compliance officers, and QA engineers, ensuring thorough performance evaluation. Collaboration among these disciplines identifies and addresses potential issues early, resulting in more robust and reliable applications. For this reason, Rhesis AI provides comprehensive collaboration functionality on its platform.

Best practices in LLMOps for holistic testing include adopting a CI/CD pipeline, implementing automated testing, and establishing clear testing protocols and documentation. Automated testing tools like Rhesis AI run extensive test suites quickly and consistently, covering functionality, performance, security, and compliance. Detailed documentation of testing procedures, results, and known issues streamlines the process and provides a reference for future cycles. Regularly updating test cases and incorporating user feedback contribute to a comprehensive and effective strategy.


In summary, adopting a balanced testing approach, leveraging cross-functional teams, and implementing comprehensive strategies are essential for robust, reliable, and compliant LLM applications.


[1] https://insurtechdigital.com/articles/speeding-up-claims-lemonade-hails-2-second-insurance-payout

[2] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.05374

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